Recently we have discussed the habit (addiction?) of smoking. We tried to understand why is smoking so contagiously attractive, is it really cool and how has the idea of having a fag been advertised through culture? Bill Hicks, probably the most fierce private advertiser of cigarettes and a brilliant comedian in his free time said that smoking makes him look cool and that he prefers to die ten years before his time just to appear cool every minute. Hicks also described nonsmokers as a bunch of evil obnoxious crybabies. To be honest quite righteously, because nonsmokers tend to exaggerate the hazards of nicotine. Cancer is the most known threat, and yes cigarettes do cause cancer, but then again everything else does as well. Cancer sticks are considered to be extremely addictive, this I find hard to agree to. All addictions are to do with the mind, not the body. If the mind and the will are strong there is no such thing as addiction. In reality there is only one bad thing with smoking, one horrible ghastly detail. And it’s not the graceful clouds of smoke cigarettes produce, it’s not their alluring aroma or rather dull design. It’s the price! The idea that we smokers pay dear money just to inhale some smoldering leaves is laughable. And we do it to seem cooler, calm our nerves or fit in better. Giving up smoking is a good thing because it saves a lot of money, and let me say again that that is the only logical reason to quit.
As post scriptum I’d like to recall the image of a smoker in the motion pictures. A lit cigarette has always been an attribute of cool guys and mysterious women, stressed out mobsters and witty bad cops. From Bogart to Brad Pitt cigarettes always played a leading role, usually along with the mouth that was holding them. And although smoking is becoming more and more unpopular it is important to remember the role tobacco played in our culture as well as not to try and turn into a scapegoat of all our problems and unexpected tumors.
As post scriptum I’d like to recall the image of a smoker in the motion pictures. A lit cigarette has always been an attribute of cool guys and mysterious women, stressed out mobsters and witty bad cops. From Bogart to Brad Pitt cigarettes always played a leading role, usually along with the mouth that was holding them. And although smoking is becoming more and more unpopular it is important to remember the role tobacco played in our culture as well as not to try and turn into a scapegoat of all our problems and unexpected tumors.
http://www.ash.org.uk/html/factsheets/html/fact02.html Just lots and lots of numbers and scary words concerning people who smoke
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