Regularly media bring up the problem of drugs. They are dangerous and bad of course, but everyone sooner or later tries them. It is worth remembering that besides cocaine, heroin and crack there are also ‘soft’ drugs, like LSD, E, Marijuana and various pharmaceutical sedatives that can be legally obtained. ‘Hard’ drugs devastate lives and are a big problem in almost every country, rich and poor alike. However less ‘harmful’ drugs like dope or Prozac can be equally bad as they develop addiction through a feeling of comfort and serenity. They also interfere with our brain efficiency. Most people who try drugs out of curiosity manage to avoid addiction and various problems that it causes, but other plunge head down into drug addiction and quickly land in their graves. (An awful lot of celebrities has and still is using all kind of legal and illegal drugs. Examples are: JFK, Marilyn Monroe, Oscar Wilde, Ozzy Osbourne and good old Paris Hilton)
An interesting little essay by Aldous Huxley, enough said- http://www.psychedelic-library.org/loudun.htm
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