Throughout my weblog quite a few bad things have been committed by people who felt depressed and insecure. Things such as infidelity or shoplifting. But while there are exceptions to those cases, all people who join a sect are lost and lack self-esteem. Religious Cults prey on people who through the weakness of their character are easily confused and influenced. Cults make such people feel good and safe, while brainwashing them and making them incapable of functioning in a normal society. People who have joined sects often give all their possessions away and feel that they no longer can live without the constant help of their cult ‘friends’. Religious cults differ, some like the Mormons or the Jehovah witnesses practice fake faith and corrupt whole families, other organizations, The Church of Scientology for instance attract only wealthy members who will be willing to pay big money for a very fancy brain washing.
There is nothing to be said in favor of Religious Cults, they unlike infidelity, lying or smoking cannot be excused in anyway and represent the worst thing you will find on this blog, (well apart from masturbation, gambling and drug abuse).
Sects and Cults of Christianity are presented on this website, http://www.religion-cults.com/Cults/Christian/C-CULTS.htm
There is nothing to be said in favor of Religious Cults, they unlike infidelity, lying or smoking cannot be excused in anyway and represent the worst thing you will find on this blog, (well apart from masturbation, gambling and drug abuse).
Sects and Cults of Christianity are presented on this website, http://www.religion-cults.com/Cults/Christian/C-CULTS.htm
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